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Garmin Navionics+ NSEU047R - Gulf of Bothnia

by Garmin
SKU 010-C1248-20
Sale Sale
Original price 1 795 kr
Original price 1 795 kr - Original price 1 795 kr
Original price 1 795 kr
Current price 1 699 kr
1 699 kr - 1 699 kr
Current price 1 699 kr
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Garmin Navionics+ sjökort erbjuder levande färger, ett strömlinjeformat gränssnitt och en kombination av detaljerad information för både hav och sjö. Med en populär färgpalett i Navionics stil blir navigeringen intuitiv och tydlig.

Mer information

The Garmin Navionics+ charts feature vibrant colors, a streamlined interface, and a combination of ocean and sea content with a popular Navionics®-style color palette. You can easily plan your routes with the world's most popular charts .


  • Map solution for Garmin plotters - Access charts with detailed information on coastal landmarks, lakes, rivers and more.
  • AUTO GUIDANCE+ - With built-in Auto Guidance+ technology 2 you get the best from Garmin and Navionics in automatic route drawing.
  • Daily Chart Updates - The charts are constantly being improved with new and changed content – ​​as many as 5,000 updates are made every day.
  • Depth curves - With high resolution depth range shading, you can select up to 10 color shaded options and display your specified target depths at a glance.
  • Shading in shallow water - To give you a clear picture of which foundations to avoid, this function can be used to shade depths of your own choosing.
  • Contours of up to 0.5 m - Fish and navigate easier with contours up to 0.5m that provide a clear view of the bottom structure for better fishing charts and more detail in channels, harbors, marinas and more.

  • Kartlösning: Detaljerad information om kuster, sjöar och floder
  • Auto Guidance+: Automatisk ruttdragning med avancerad teknologi
  • Dagliga uppdateringar: Upp till 5 000 kartförbättringar per dag
  • Djupkurvor: Upp till 10 färgskuggade alternativ för bättre översikt
  • Skuggning vid grunt vatten: Anpassad markering av valda djup
  • Konturer: Upp till 0,5 meters precision för bättre navigering och fiske