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Point 65 KingFisher Solo Orange

SKU 16601205205
Original price 35,999 kr
Original price 35 999 kr - Original price 35 999 kr
Original price 35 999 kr
Current price 35,999 kr
35 999 kr - 35 999 kr
Current price 35 999 kr

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Point 65 KingFisher Solo

Owning a fishing kayak has never been easier. KingFisher, a divisible fishing kayak with a trimaran hull.

Fast and smooth paddle, pedal kayak in one. With the stability maintained, a slimmer and lighter hull was created and all this works thanks to its trimaran hull. The divisibility makes it easy to transport and easy to store in any conceivable space.

  • Modular divisible

  • Available as Solo or Tandem

  • Trimaran hull

  • Twin frogs

  • ImpulseDrive

  • Packing hatches in the fore and aft

  • Several mounts, rails and pipes for equipment.

  • GameChair

  • Several rod holders

STABILITY AND PERFORMANCE - KingFisher offers safe stability so you can stand up and fish in it even though it is only 79cm wide. Thanks to KingFisher's modern trimaran hull, it is faster and more agile, easier to carry, transport and store, without compromising on stability.

Whether you're hitting your favorite fishing spots or exploring new waters, the KingFisher's incredible speed and course stability will come in handy on your adventure.

FLEXIBILITY - Anyone who has tried lifting a fishing kayak on their own knows that they are heavy and unwieldy. Until now. Point 65's proven, patented, Snap-Tapℱ ​​system, allows the kayak to be broken into two individually molded, and therefore completely sealed, sections. Which fits in most cars. The process of assembling and disassembling is lightning fast, it's a matter of seconds.

Point 65's modular Snap-Tapℱ ​​system, introduced in 2009, has been applied to several different models and has been sold in the tens of thousands around the world by the most successful paddle sports retailers with generations of knowledge in the field.

Carrying half a kayak is twice as easy - and stows in most car models. You can also easily store in the home, garage or basement storage, even check in on the flight.

KINGFISHER GAME CHAIR. One of the most comfortable and functional seats on the market. Several settings and adjustments to optimize for the user and the area of ​​use in the moment, lightning fast.

The super comfortable KingFisher GameChair seat, combined with stability, speed and well-planned world-class equipment mounts, make the KingFisher a great platform for versatile fishing, a real fishing machine.


ImpulseDrive which is easily attached to the kayak and propels you forward or backward with leg power. The pedal system is extremely light and easy to use . With your biggest muscle mass to help, kayak fishing becomes easier and more efficient than ever.

Length: 331 cm

Width: 79cm

Weight: 32kg

Capacity: 130kg

Weight per section: 15kg, 17kg