Navico Boat Show Offer
Under Båtmässan sänker vi priserna på utvald marinelektronik från Lowrance och Simrad! Passa på att fynda Elite FS, HDS PRO, Halo-radar och mycket mer till riktigt bra mässpriser. Ett perfekt tillfälle att säkra din uppgradering inför vårfisket.
Kampanjen pågår mellan 6 januari och 21:a mars!
Lowrance Active Target 2 - Complete Kit
LowranceThe Ultimate Fishing System just got even better! ActiveTarget® 2 gives you the widest, clearest and highest resolution live views of fis...
View full detailsLowrance Elite FS 7 with Active Imaging 3-in-1 Transducer
LowranceLowrance Elite FS 7 AI 3-IN-1 ROW The Elite FS combines the power of all Lowrance sonar technologies with the new, high-resolution ActiveTar...
View full detailsLowrance HDS-12 PRO inkl. givare AIHD (3-1)
LowranceNEW LOWRANCE HDS PRO 12 See more and capture more with new HDS PRO , which gives you the clearest and most detailed views with new, high res...
View full detailsLowrance HDS-9 PRO inkl. givare AIHD (3-1)
LowranceNEW LOWRANCE HDS PRO 9 See more and capture more with the new HDS PRO , which gives you the clearest and most detailed views with new, high-re...
View full detailsLowrance HDS-9 PRO exkl. givare
LowranceLowrance har tagit möjligheten att se fisk och strukturer till nya höjder med Active Imaging HD, som ger högupplösta bilder med hjälp av Lowrance ...
View full detailsLowrance HDS-16 PRO inkl. givare AIHD (3-1)
LowranceNEW LOWRANCE HDS PRO 16 See more and capture more with new HDS PRO , which gives you the clearest and most detailed views with new, high resol...
View full detailsLowrance HDS-10 PRO inkl. givare AIHD (3-1)
LowranceNEW LOWRANCE HDS PRO 10 See more and capture more with new HDS PRO , which gives you the clearest and most detailed views with new, high reso...
View full detailsLowrance S3100 Sonar Module
LowranceThe S3100 supports high-resolution Active Imaging™ HD sonar for HDS LIVE and Elite FS displays. Active Imaging HD provides the clearest images...
View full detailsSimrad HALO20+ Radar
SimradSimradHALO20+ Radar With the Simrad HALO20+, Simrad, 20'', Radar you see almost in real time and it helps you avoid collisions with a uniq...
View full detailsLowrance Halo24 Radar
LowranceSee Near and Far with One Compact Dome Perfect for a wide range of coastal bay boats, HALO24 comes in a compact dome antenna and delivers high...
View full detailsLowrance Elite FS 10 Active Imaging 3-in-1
LowranceMed avancerade funktioner som ActiveTarget 2, högupplöst Active Imaging och Active Imaging HD* samt CHIRP-ekolod, SideScan och DownScan Imaging, ä...
View full detailsSimrad S5100 Sonar Module
SimradCHIRP-tekniken eliminerar brus och störningar, vilket ger en detaljerad och skarp bild av både bottenstruktur och fiskstim. Tack vare dess förmåga...
View full detailsLowrance Elite FS 12 Active Imaging 3-in-1
LowranceMed avancerade funktioner som ActiveTarget 2, högupplöst Active Imaging och Active Imaging HD* samt CHIRP-ekolod, SideScan och DownScan Imaging, ä...
View full detailsLowrance Elite FS 12 exkl. givare
LowranceMed avancerade funktioner som ActiveTarget 2, högupplöst Active Imaging och Active Imaging HD* samt CHIRP-ekolod, SideScan och DownScan Imaging, ä...
View full detailsLowrance Elite FS 10 exkl. givare
LowranceMed avancerade funktioner som ActiveTarget 2, högupplöst Active Imaging och Active Imaging HD* samt CHIRP-ekolod, SideScan och DownScan Imaging, ä...
View full detailsLowrance HDS-16 PRO exkl. givare
LowranceLowrance har tagit möjligheten att se fisk och strukturer till nya höjder med Active Imaging HD, som ger högupplösta bilder med hjälp av Lowranc...
View full detailsLowrance HDS-12 PRO exkl. givare
LowranceLowrance har tagit möjligheten att se fisk och strukturer till nya höjder med Active Imaging HD, som ger högupplösta bilder med hjälp av Lowranc...
View full detailsLowrance HDS-10 PRO exkl. givare
LowranceLowrance har tagit möjligheten att se fisk och strukturer till nya höjder med Active Imaging HD, som ger högupplösta bilder med hjälp av Lowranc...
View full detailsLowrance Elite FS™ 7 with HDI sonar transducer
LowranceThe new Elite Fishing System (FS) with HDI sonar transducer includes the Lowrance CHIRP sonar and DownScan Imaging™. Plus, you get compatibility w...
View full detailsSimrad NSX™ 3012, no sensor
SimradTake the experience to a whole new level with the Simrad® NSX™ smart plotter and sonar. With an innovative, modern interface that has a powerful n...
View full detailsSimrad NSX™ 3009 with HDI sensor
SimradTake the experience to a whole new level with the Simrad® NSX™ smart plotter and sonar. With an innovative, modern interface that has a powerful n...
View full detailsSimrad NSX™ 3009 with Active Imaging™
SimradTake the experience to a whole new level with the Simrad® NSX™ smart plotter and sonar. With an innovative, modern interface that has a powerful n...
View full detailsSwim row HALO20
SimradHALO20 is a cost-effective way to increase situational awareness and avoid collisions. It is a compact dome radar with pulse compression techn...
View full detailsSimrad HALO24 radar
SimradWith the revolutionary HALO24 radar you see almost in real time and it helps you avoid collisions with a unique capability of 60 revolutions/min...
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