Bonafide RS117 Olive
Tidigare lägsta pris de senaste 30 dagarna:
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Vi skickar gärna en offert till dig, där vi även kan komma med förslag på passande tillbehör och utrustning till kajaken.
The BONAFIDE RS117 really offers a lot of comfort at a very good price! Whether you are looking for relaxed paddling adventures or want to catch the fish of your dreams silently gliding in a kayak - the RS117 delivers a fantastic total package!
Many functions in the standard equipment and the good performance make the kayak a good all-rounder, not only for beginners in the world of kayak fishing.
• FATGRIP“ handles on the fore and aft
• Storage space with flexible cover and BOSS STRAP to secure your
paddle while fishing
• Sensor recess in the hull
• Integrated waterproof DRYPOD inside cockpit
• Adjustable footrests
• Seat system with quick release
• Storage space under the seat
• Two integrated rod holders (recessed)
• Cup holder
• Open space behind the seat
• Rear maintenance hatch